ATLAS Live talk: How to study matter at a trillion degrees with Dr. Anne Sickles

Soon after the Big Bang, the Universe was too hot for normal matter to exist. Instead, it was made up of an extremely hot liquid of quarks and gluons: the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). In this live talk, Dr. Anne Marie Sickles explains how physicists at the ATLAS experiment are studying the QGP and what they've have learned.

5th June 2021

ATLAS Live talk: From Data to Discovery with Dr. James Catmore

Making a scientific breakthrough in 2021 requires more than just a microscope – most scientists rely on powerful computers and ingenious software to carry out their research. In this live talk, Dr. James Catmore explains the advanced computing and software techniques used by the ATLAS Experiment.

10th May 2021

ATLAS Live talk: How elementary particles are detected with Prof. Daniela Bortoletto

Journey into the ATLAS Experiment! On Thursday 26th November, Prof. Daniela Bortoletto gave a live public talk on Youtube describing how particle detectors like ATLAS find elementary particles.

27th November 2020

ATLAS Live talk: Searching for Dark Matter with Dr. Christian Ohm

Dark Matter plays a crucial role in the evolution of our Universe. On Thursday 29th October, Dr. Christian Ohm gave a live public talk on Youtube on the extraordinary mystery of Dark Matter.

31st October 2020

ATLAS Live talk: Physics Through the Looking Glass with Dr. Laura Jeanty

On Thursday 28 May, Dr. Laura Jeanty gave a public talk live on YouTube on the underlying symmetries of the Universe, and how they are studied by particle physics experiments.

29th May 2020