ATLAS Open Data

ATLAS Open Data provides open access to proton-proton collision data at the LHC for educational purposes. Designed in collaboration with students and teachers, ATLAS Open Data resources are ideal for high-school, undergraduate and postgraduate students – or even enthusiastic self-learners! So whether you have an hour or a semester, try your hand at analysing the 13 TeV proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS Experiment. Create a simple histogram, write and visualise a particle-physics analysis directly from your internet browser, or download the full resources to take a deep-dive into the ATLAS analysis framework and re-discover the Higgs boson!

Online Open Data Analysis

Online Open Data Analysis

Explore ATLAS open datasets and physics analyses directly from your browser with the help of our cloud computing resources. These "Jupyter notebooks" allow you to easily interact with the data without downloading files or writing code. If you have a CERN computing account, you can also explore these notebooks through the SWAN cloud computing service.

Offline Open Data Analysis

Offline Open Data Analysis

The best way to analyse ATLAS Open Data offline is using our "Virtual Machines". This simple set-up includes all of the 13 TeV software and tools, and can be saved directly on your hard drive. They are extremely easy to set-up and use, having been tested by students from all over the world!

Download the Open Data

Download the Open Data

All of ATLAS's open datasets and resources are available on the CERN Open Data Portal. All datasets on the portal are shared under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication; the data and software are assigned unique DOI identifiers to make them citable in scientific articles; and software is released under open source licenses.

8 TeV Open Data resources

8 TeV Open Data resources

ATLAS released its first open data in 2016, making public 1 fb-1 of 8 TeV data that is still in use for many individuals and institutions. One of the best tools to study ATLAS 8 TeV Open Data is the “Histogram Analyser”, which allow users to explore physics concepts in a graphical way.

Questions or comments? Contact: [email protected]

ATLAS Open Data is made possible with support from several Open Access technologies and resources, including: Linux, Jupyter notebooks, ROOT analysis framework, ROOT JavaScript, CERN Open Data,, SWAN notebooks gallery, Git!

Are you a professor or instructor using ATLAS Open Data? Send us a message and join the growing list of universities and institutions using ATLAS Open Data samples and resources in their curriculums.