Meirin Oan Evans

Meirin Oan Evans

Meirin did his Master’s at the University of Manchester and is now a PhD student at the University of Sussex. He prepares ATLAS data for use in education and uses machine learning to precisely measure a rare process involving the heaviest fundamental particle yet discovered, the top quark. He likes physics, speaking Welsh and speaking about physics in Welsh.

Teaching university students with real ATLAS data

ATLAS PhD student Meirin Oan Evans explores how the University of Sussex is incorporating ATLAS Open Data into their teaching – and shares his experience using this incredible resource.

27th January 2021

International conferences: interesting physics & instant excitement

What a start it's been to my first conference! I was lucky enough to join the 39th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), the biggest conference in High Energy Physics. About 1000 physicists are currently gathered in Seoul, presenting results from all across the field. Getting to visit South Korea plus hearing about cutting-edge physics sounded like a 5-star recipe to me!

10th July 2018